Hand-painted Family Trees

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Hand-painted Family Trees

Preserve your family history for future generations!

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Hand-painted Family Trees

Preserve your family history for future generations!

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Getting back on track

It's been a while since you heard from me… Sorry about that. Except for the obvious – that the entire world has been struck by a pandemic – and that I haven’t had much work to tell you about, I have also had some surgery on my right hand and arm. Being right handed it did take a much larger toll on me than I had anticipated.

My hand have been troubling me for many years (carpal tunnel syndrome), but finally it was time to do something about it. I had some surgery on my right hand. Some nerves had to be adjusted through an incision in the elbow too, so I had a big bandage both on my hand and my arm. Even computer work was hard in the beginning, not to mention writing or painting with my right hand.

But now I am back! The kids are back in school, hubby is back at the office (at least a few days a week) after months of working from home, so hopefully there will be some kind of structure and order, and I will be able to fully focus on work again. 😃

And I have quite an exciting fall planned out. Stay tuned for more news soon! 📣



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